Teens for Eating Disorder Awareness
Our Mission
Turning Expirience Into Action
At TEDA our main focuses are to educate, spread awareness, and zoom in on the root causes of eating disorders. Everyone deserves the opportunity to recover regardless of age, race, gender, size, ability, or financial status. TEDA is was founded to create a community that is willing to try and come together to make a difference. At least 30 million Americans are suffering from an eating disorder and adolescent eating disorder statistics show 2.7% of teens in the U.S. between 13 and 18 years old have an eating disorder. You might see the number 2.7 and believe that it is low, however it's more prominent than you might think. Being teenagers ourselves has taken our understanding to a new level. To us, it almost seems like all of our peers have either struggled with disordered eating or have eating disorders. Thankfully, by coming together and talking about this issue, we have realized that this prominence is unacceptable. By creating TEDA we are working towards a happier and healthier community. We are here to educate, support, and guide friends and family of people struggling alongside the individuals themself. We believe that recovery is possible especially when people around you have access to resources and opportunities they need to learn and help. With one person dying of an eating disorder every 52 minutes, we know that we cannot afford to wait any longer to spread awareness and educate people. Recovery is possible, and TEDA is here to help.